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I don't know if many people will reach this page. This site has been created especially for those who reached. I hope you understood that in 5-6-7dimensions we spoke of energy. Any motion is energy, actually it's one dimension, in mathematics it looks like     = m × × × - this motion is in three dimensions. dimensions. If one or two coefficients are absent we have some particular cases: motion on line, in plane. It's also clear that energy has no forms. For example, Heat is also a motion(of electrons), radiations are a motion of  micro particles. It doesn't matter what is the size of a moving body: it's not important whether it's a micro particle(electron, neutron) or a macro particle( stone, meteor). Hence we can consider any motion is radiation.
Spectrum of these radiations is from 0 to . It is the very spectrum where any motion occupies its own line, diapason. Some of the diapasons are known: infra-red radiation, motion of bodies, sound, light, etc. We'll have to discover other diapasons.So far we have imagined them as separate fragments. It's time  to systematize all the radiations just as Mendeleev did it with  chemical elements. "Empty" places of  general spectrum  will prompt some expected characteristics of non-discovered so far  radiations.   Then we can easily complete them.
Is it worth speaking  of the importance of systematized knowledge about all radiations? We are not going to yet.
So energy is motion with wavy characteristic.   It freely goes from one diapason to another within  spectrum. Let's give an example: a lead bullet aims armor. Do you know what form does it take? In section it looks like:  it's a stiffen wave. Part of energy is spent for the heating of lead , another part transforms into sound , the other one (in the form of a wave) for the bullet deformation , the rest of energy is transformed into armor. While flying the bullet transforms a part of energy into sound,  a part is spent to interact with air  - it transforms motion to the atoms of air.
One example more: a sounding string. Having given to it some vibrating movements we transfered  energy to it. This energy will be spread for string heating at the expense of plastic deformation (periodic tension and compression) and to transfer energy in the form of radiation (sound) into the environment - air. That's why the same string in vacuum  will only be heated.
  The conclusion is very important : energy tends to spreading and can do it only under interaction with other substance  (mutual exchange), using possible for given conditions diapason of general radiation spectrum .   
          Let's try to illustrate this conclusion as an example of light refraction. (See figure).  
The standard proof of  refraction was made by Guigence, well, he did his best. We'll use our vector algebra here. Do you still remember the "Nest dolls"?  The beam of light falls on water surface at angle alfa. At the moment the beam is over the very surface let's imagine the energy vector as two vectors. One of them is directed  downwards, the other one is directed to the right (fig. a). And now the beam reaches the water surface, hence the part of energy is spent, let's say, "for illuminating" a certain volume of water. The vector directed downwards consists of two vectors (see fig. b). One of them is spent  for "illumination", the other is spent for farther movement of the beam. And the vector directed to the right  also consists of two vectors but (!) one of them which is spent for "illumination" is directed downwards, therefore their equalizer (in fig. b  it's denoted  as d ) will be somehow deflected downwards. 
So in liquid the direction of the beam is defined  by component vectors, namely: the one which is directed downwards and vector d, they both form angle beta (see fig. c). To shorten the explanation we have considered the very essence. This essence means that our general case describes the spreading of any radiation in two conditions. The coefficient of refraction as the ratio of different speeds seems to be doubtful.
If  condition isn't transparent enough, i.e it's mat, or the thickness of a layer is big enough then all the energy will be spent for scattered radiation. For example, wax  or a lump of sugar will just shine; and the beam falling into the ocean scatters fully when it reaches the depth of 100 or 200 metres.   In vacuum light energy has no condition where to spread that's why light motion is infinite.
 It's interesting to watch  how a whip functions. If you move it, making a wave, we'll hear a loud fillip.  I heard the explanation: the tip of the whip had broken the sound barrier. I don't know how they managed to measure the velocity of the tip. The explanation is simple: if you move the whip weakly then energy is spread to the whip tension. If we do it stronger energy is spread to the tension and non-loud fillip.If we do it even more stronger energy is spread to the tension and a loud fillip. It happens because the whip tension has its own limit. Where can surplus energy is transferred? What could happen in vacuum? I think we'd be able to see light burst at the whip's tip.
One more example and the last one: a  jet produces  loud sound like a thunder peal at a certain moment. The explanation is: it has broken the sound barrier. Well, a kind of. What is actually going on? The jet's engine emits sound radiation (you can hear it at the airport). This radiation are waves in the air with sound velocity. When the jet's speed is approaching to the waves' speed the moment starts when generating waves are superimposed, i.e. energy is added together. This powerful wave is that thunder.     
If  you didn't understand the essence of some phenomenon so far try to apply our new understanding yourself.
I can't help mentioning one interesting phenomenon: substance property in "boundary" zones.
Along the boundary between zero and first dimension we can imagine substance as  very small particles. They have wonderful properties: for example, photon possesses ultimate speed, neutrino is supposed to pierce thru the Earth, gamma, beta and other particles are off-beat. Studying this boundary zone gives new opportunities, for example, nano technology( nano particles' properties).
Along the boundary between first and second dimensions we can imagine substance as super thin fibres. The substance here possesses unusual properties: cobweb is super strong to rupture, graphite(and other) fibres permit to form very strong compositions, the formation of fibres in steel (while hardening) increases hardness abruptly and so on.
Along the boundary between second and third dimensions we can imagine substance as a thin film.The film of a soap bubble decomposes light (rainbow-trout), the coating of amalgam ( on the mirror) reflects the light perfectly, the thin layer of metal transmits the light, the thin layer of gold actually "sticks" to any surface- there are a lot of such examples.
Along the boundary between third and  fourth dimensions we can imagine substance as the matter with very little specific weight - it's gaseous . Gases are wonderful, they can luminesce and smell.
Along the boundary between fourth - fifth (and sixth - seventh, which is the same) dimensions we can imagine substance as the matter with minimal temperature. Super conduction, cryogen technologies are unusual properties of the matter here.  Moreover, living nature including the man exist in tnis diapason.
Studying  matter properties along the boundary zones is limited by the possibilities of nowadays technologies. But just here the unexpected discoveries are waiting for us. Do them now with awareness.  Go ahead!
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